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The Original PACK NIGHT

Open & Guided Primal Play

as presented at in person events 2016-2020

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Many of these themes are still central to the online Pack Night community material. Specific focuses in content are adjusted to meet Pack needs on an ongoing basis, as well as special topic events to allow deeper dives into powerful experiences not always suited for larger group events. Browse through this page to get an idea of the different worlds of emotions we explore and intentions we set together!

Photo by The Silence, Model: Davey Faye

Unleash the inner wild in a group format! PACK NIGHT is an intentionally created, recurring safer space for manifesting your evolving primal. What does your primal sound like, or feel like? How does it move? Can it play well with others? Using somatic movement and vocal exercises aimed to help you tap into the beastly beauty within, as well as emotional activators through eye contact and improvisation, the circle will be led to fall into a pack mind, blending the fierce (and the more sensitive) primal energies in the room with the common goal to release and revel in our creature-selves. Explore different animalistic embodiments, give yourself permission to growl and howl, coo and hiss, and discover elements of your own identity previously hidden from view. Challenge assumptions of how you should be and unveil new ways to connect with others. Over time as our pack grows and changes, the initiation exercises will adapt to communal calling.

Every PACK NIGHT begins with guided activities for body and mind to support unlocking inner primalism as an individual and as a group and then opens the floor to freeform exploration. As energies wind down, the evening concludes with a closing circle meant to support integration with these powerful energies and potential shadows and encourages attendees to find comfort from the journey we took as a primal family. Let yourself dive into the deep and dark, and bring back tools of empowerment and awareness to use in your everyday life. 

Discovering Your Inner Primal
Welcome to PACK NIGHT! Our first stroll out of human shoes onto our wild limbs invites your curiosity, your willing heart, and your sense of adventure to come out and play! For first time attendees or old pack members alike, this is a delightful opportunity to feel out the more innocent side of primal existence, the young and eager fledgling notions, the whimsical sweetness of primals only just discovering their power. Unlock new identities and invite a spirit of insight through physicality, sound, and guided narration. (Note: there is no 3rd Sunday event for October)


Alpha Games
The inner pack struggle: who is the leader of your pack? What energies in the room motivate the group, and who wants to fight for the seat of power? Tonight, pack member takes on pack member in structured primal brawl. Primals not drawn to an alpha position will also unravel how their personality feeds the group, and how that role might feed themselves. Trust exercises, conflict drills, and theatre games accentuate this PACK NIGHT fueled by the fire of power struggles and the primal heart.

The Hunt: Predator and Prey
And so the hunt begins! This PACK NIGHT ups the ante with group exercises designed to manifest pack mind, and stimulate the visceral drive to consume. Practicing hunting games with your compatriots will provide opportunities for primals to bond as a group and test out leadership structures, as well as space for smaller or inquisitive primals to explore vulnerability and the thrill of pursuit. Additionally & optionally, after class, we will roam the streets and prowl as a hungry pack to chomp down into a juicy hunk of meat (+vegetarian options) and conclude our hunt for hedonistic pleasure with full, happy bellies!

Primal Frenzy: Anger and Ecstasy
Unleash the beast within and relish in your own primordial power. This time, PACK NIGHT takes it personal, and invites you to let out some of your inner demons and impassioned chaos in a conscious space with controlled intent. Explorations of physical vs psychological size, how both rapture and rage manifest in complicated beings, and reflection on how our primal power informs our human emotions will round out this hotbed of potent play and self-discovery.

The Wounded Primal: Grief and Healing
Pain and pleasure both play important parts in the worlds of lust and power. While previous PACK NIGHT iterations have explored many forms of feeling alive and alight, this class will tune into a somatic manifestation of primal suffering and sorrow, including group exercises designed to consensually challenge your individual and communal sense of safety. After holding space for our traumas and our loss, we will shift into compassionate work on finding softness and warmth in our rawest forms, and harnessing the love of self along with love of chosen kin and fellow primal-kind.

Celebrating the Pack
Time to roar out in primal glory! Whether you've made it to every other PACK NIGHT event or this is your first time syncing into the pack mind, we invite you to revel in your rawest form and find the flow that fits your instincts in this positively primal play space. Somatic exercises continue to inform your animalistic explorations, while group drills stimulate fantasy and allow you to feel out your freest form. Come ready to join in the jubilation, and inspired to continue your primal journey!

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